ITP Lecture Archive

General Relativity – HS 2014


Tuesday, 14:45 - 16:30, HPV G5

Thursday, 10:45 - 12:30, HPV G5

Lecture notes

Lecture notes are available here:

General Relativity

Short introduction to Special Relativity (by Reimar Hecht)

General Relativity, German version (not updated)


The examination is oral and 30 min long.

Precisions on the relevant material from the lectures and exercise classes is available here.

A forum for discussions and questions about the material is accessible under the following link:


Exercise classes

Lisa Hänggli
 Thu 14:45 - 16:30
 HIT F31.2
Group I
Reimar Hecht
 Thu 15:45 - 17:30  HIT F31.1 Group II
Maximilian Kelm
 Fri 12:45 - 14:30  HIT F13
Group III
Vincent Beaud
 Fri 12:45 - 14:30  HIT F31.1
Group IV
Ruxandra Bondarescu
 Thu 15:00 - 16:30
 Y36-J-33 (Irchel)
Group V

Problem sets will be handed out every week on Tuesday in the lecture and discussed on the following Thursday or Friday in the exercise classes. For a fruitful interaction in the exercise classes, we strongly recommend the students to read and prepare the problems in the meantime. The solved problem sets have to be handed in on the following Tuesday in the lecture. They will be handed back graded and discussed in the exercise classes on Thursday.

University students should hand in their solved problem sets directly at Ruxandra's office, Y36-K-34 (University Irchel), until Tuesday 18:00.

Problem sets: