ITP Lecture Archive

Statistical Physics – HS 2012

Prof. M. Sigrist

HPV G5, Tuesday 12:45 - 14:30
HPV G5, Wednesday 13:45 - 15:30

There is an extra lecture in the last week instead of the exercise class:
Wednesday, December 19, 10:45-12:30, HPV G4
We are sorry for the inconvenience, if you have a conflicting schedule.

Script & Slides

Lecture Notes complete (update Dec. 9, 2012)


(Please let us know if you find typos, unclear passages or inconsistent notations in the script)


Assistants & Rooms

Evert van Nieuwenburg Tuesday 14:45-16:30, HIT F 32
Sarah Etter Wednesdays 10:45-12:30, HIT F 12
Juan Osorio Wednesdays 10:45-12:30, HIT F 13
Michael Walter Wednesdays 10:45-12:30, HIT H 42

There is no more exercise class in the last week. Instead, there is an extra lecture (see above).


The condition to obtain a testat is to hand in 50% of the exercises (6 out of 13). You can form groups of up to 3 students.


There will be an exercise class already in the first week of the semester.

Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of questions and difficulties!

Exercise & Solution Sheets

Exercise Sheets
Solution Sheets

Solutions that were changed after their first publication have a version, e.g. Solution 01 v2.