ITP Lecture Archive

Introduction to Integrability – FS 2013

Lecturers: Dr. Marius de Leeuw, Dr. Constantin Candu

Tuesday 09:45–11:30: HIT F 11.1


Integrable systems are a special class of physical models that can be solved exactly due to a large number of symmetries. Examples of integrable models appear in many different areas of physics, including classical mechanics, condensed matter, 2d quantum field theories and lately in string- and gauge theories. They offer a unique opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of generic phenomena in a simplified, exactly solvable setting. In this course we shall walk the students through the various notions of integrability starting from classical mechanics and ending with quantum field theories.


  1. Integrability in Classical Mechanics
  2. Integrable Classical Field Theory
  3. Spin Chains
  4. Bethe Ansatz
  5. Integrable Quantum Field Theory


Credit Requirements


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