PD Dr. D. Geshkenbein
This proseminar in Theoretical Physics is coordinated by PD Dr. Dima Geshkenbein.
The proseminar presentations will be on mondays. Date and time of the talks
can be found further down (see table).
Criteria for obtaining a Testat, i.e. passing the module:
Each presentation should last just less than 60 minutes. Students are encouraged to use Keynote or Power Point for their presentation.
Each student has been assigned a research assistant at the Institute (see table below).
The students
should contact their respective assistant at least six weeks before their talk
to discuss logistics.
They should keep their assistant updated of their work at least once a week.
One week before their talk they are expected to have a draft of their report as well as a finished set of slides which they have to present to their tutor (the report can be handed in later and is not necessary for the talk).
The reports will be compiled to a book with all other contributions, and must therefore be prepared using a specific LaTeX macro.
Topics |
Date/Time/Location of the Talk References see PDF |
Student | Tutor |
1) Quantum bits and gates, quantum circuits, simple algorithms (Deutsch-Jozsa, entanglement algorithm) |
28.2., 10:00h HIT F32 |
Björn Beyer |
Frederic Dupuis |
2) Quantum cryptography, BB84 |
28.2., 11:30h HIT F32 |
Roman Süsstrunk | Frederic Dupuis |
3) Quantum error correction |
7.3., 10:00h HIT F32 |
Joonas Govenius |
Johan Aaberg |
4) QM of spin, Zeeman effect, NMR, Rabi oscillations, Ramsey pulses. |
14.3., 10:00h HIT F32 |
Philipp Bühlmann |
Anton Kozhevnikov |
5) Double well, two-level systems, Landau-Zener tunneling. Correspondence to spin in a field. |
14.3., 11:30h HIT F32 |
Beni Bissig |
Martin Eckstein |
6) EPR paradox, Bell inequalities, entanglement. |
21.3., 10:00h HIT F32 |
Richard Küng | Johan Aaberg |
7) Quantum dots, Coulomb blockade. |
28.3., 10:00h HIT F32 |
Daniel Mazzone |
Andrey Lebedev |
8) NMR qubit. |
4.4., 10:00h HIT F32 |
Szymon Hennel |
Ludwig Klam |
9) Josephson effects, SQUID. |
4.4., 11.30h HIT F32 |
Markus Legner |
Ludwig Klam |
10) Topological quantum computation |
11.4., 10:00h HIT F32 |
Christian Schütte-Nütgen |
David Gross |
11) Grover's algorithm |
18.4., 10:00 HIT F32 |
Iwan Gloor | David Gross |
12) Quantum Monte-Carlo, spins, bosons, fermions, sign problem. |
18.4., 11:30h HIT F32 |
Alexander P. Aeberli |
Lode Pollet |
13) Cold atoms, cooling and trapping, BEC. |
2.5., 10:00h HIT F32 |
Kathrin Gerhard |
Lode Pollet |
14) Mott-Hubbard model. |
2.5., 11:30h HIT F32 |
Jakob Buhmann |
Martin Eckstein |
15) Atom in a cavity. Jaynes-Cummings model. |
9.5., 10:00h HIT F32 |
Martin Sepiol |
Sebastian Schmidt |
16) Circuit QED |
9.5., 11:30h HIT F32 |
Thomas Blasi |
Sebastian Schmidt |
17) Photon statistics. |
16.5., 10:00h HIT F32 |
David Perriard |
Sebastian Schmidt |
18) Superconducting qubits, - charge, phase, flux |
16.5., 11.30h HIT F32 |
Fotis Dimitrakopoulos |
Ludwig Klam |
19) Ion traps, Cirac-Zoller. |
23.5., 10:00h HIT F32 |
Flavia Timpu |
Anton Kozhevnikov |