ITP Lecture Archive

Proseminar on Supersymmetry – FS 2010

Prof. C. Anastasiou

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A proseminar in Theoretical Physics coordinated by Prof. C. Anastasiou will be held in Spring 2010. The topic: "Supersymmetry" will cover subjects related to supersymmetry in quantum field theory from a theoretical and a phenomenological perspective.

This is the main website for this Proseminar.

Topics Date
Student Supervisor
1) Supersymmetry algebra
Julien Guillod
Stefan Hohenegger
2) Representations of the N=1 SUSY algebra
12/04/2010 Tevong You
Roberto Volpato
3) Superspace and superfields
26/04/2010 Philipp Gruber
Marco Panero
4) Supersymmetric Lagrangians
26/04/2010 Julian Cancino
Giuliano Panico
5) Supersymmetric Lagrangians with gauge symmetry
03/05/2010 Christfried Focke
Giuliano Panico
6) Supersymmetry breaking
03/05/2010 Nikolaus Buchheim
Daniel Persson
7) The MSSM
10/05/2010 Martin Fluder
Mathias Brucherseifer
8) SUSY Higgs mechanism
10/05/2010 Manuel Benz
Mathias Brucherseifer
9) SUSY in dimensions other than 4
17/05/2010 Simon von Overbeck
Roberto Volpato
10) Supergravity
17/05/2010 Peter Reiter Stefan Hohenegger

Times and Location

The proseminar presentations will be held on Mondays in the room HIT F32. They will start at 10:15 am.

Suggested Literature

The discussion of the general aspects of supersymmetry can be found in several books and reviews. Here we give a short list of references in which the basic notions of supersymmetry are described together with some of the more advanced topics.